Sunday, December 7, 2008

Epicenter Info Meeting

Tonight we held our first volunteer info meeting in the Student Life Center. About 35 people came out to hear Aaron cast the vision for what Epicenter will be and how it will all work. During this initial phase, Epicenter will be entirely run by volunteers. At the end, we split into several groups based on where people were interested in serving. The response was very encouraging!

Here are the areas where we need volunteers:
1. Set-up/Clean-up - we will have to move chairs back and forth from the main sanctuary each weeek.
2. Greeters - people to make newcomers feel welcome and guide people with children to the nursery.
3. Tech crew - running sound, video, and lighting during the service.
4. Shockwave - volunteers for the children's ministry program that will happen during Epicenter.
5. Band members
6. Breakout group facilitators - people who will facilitate discussions and encourage community during the small group time.
7. Publicity - print and web promotion

If you missed the meeting and are interested in helping in any of the above areas, email for more information.